Monday, November 5

Also into cats!

Last night, after coming in to work to fix my desk drawer and did the unthinkable to my computer, I sat down to watch a little Addams Family Values and Firefly (the second disc, with "Shindig," which is fast becoming one of my favorite episodes). I decided, as there are very few days left until Nov. 19, I ought to work on my dad's Dr. Who Scarf.

After finishing three color sections, it reaches from the floor to just under my nose. That's 504 rows and 21,168 total stitches. Boo ya.

Lastly, I'd like to share some misheard lyrics with you, courtesy of BeChaotic's YouTube video. The song is "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race" by Fallout Boy. The part I'm most interested in is the last section of the chorus.

The real words
I'm a leading man
And the lies I weave are oh so intricate,
Oh so intricate.

What you hear
I'm a little man
And I'm also evil, also into cats.
Also into cats ...

That is all.

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