Friday, September 24

More than a catnap

I don't really understand how one person could sleep for more than three hours extra per day, but my roommate somehow manages it. I could understand a catnap, even every day. Maybe even more than once every day, although that would be pushing it. But I know for certain that my roommate is sleeping almost every other time I walk into my room. I can't imagine that that's healthy ... she has dark circles around her eyes, and it makes me sad for her. It's a little overdone, if you ask me. [And I know you did not, but I will still tell you: It's overdone!]

I am seriously regretting my swift agreement to live with her. I was desperate and hasty. Let this be a lesson to me, that being desperate results in a roommate who obsesses about gluesticks and laminating posters in case of a random act of fire sprinkling, and sleeps more than the dead.


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