Wednesday, December 19

Just another manic Wednesday

After this last thing, I promise I'll shut up about my family for a while.

Remember how I told you my brother Brox was going to Maine for the holidays to see his girlfriend? The flight turned into a fiasco. He was supposed to take a plane from Des Moines to Detroit, then fly from Detroit to Bangor. Well, his first flight was delayed over an hour for some wacky reason, causing him to miss his flight from Detroit. No problem, right? We'll just schedule a different flight to Portland and even though it's farther away, no harm done.

Ha. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Unfortunately, the person who did the scheduling did not send poor Brox in an easterly fashion. They put him on a plane to Minneapolis; I imagine the next step from there was Portland Oregon. Oops. They caught the error pretty quickly, thankfully. The airport gave Brox a hotel voucher and said, "You're flying to Chicago in the morning at 7 a.m. Then you're going to Bangor."

So it was the six-state tour of the midwest. And his first time flying. I bet he was irritated to no end ...

Otherwise, I've got Project Runway tonight — huzzah! Chris March is back on to take Jack's place! — and Sweeney Todd on Friday. Speaking of sexy Depp Sweeney Todd, you can watch the opening credits here. Oh baby, oh baby.

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