Tuesday, February 27

Entrelac? Yes, please!

I thought I'd post a little teaser photo for my Hogwarts swap partner. Here you can see some entrelac done in Gryffindor colors. While I was working this project, I realized how amazing entrelac looks. It appears as though it's strips of knitting woven together, which is not the case at all. It really inspires me to do a little more entrelac knitting. Perhaps I'll go with a variegated yarn next time, that colors the squares automatically. Or maybe I'll try Eunny's entrelac socks in the knew Interweave Knits. I love it love it love it.

On with work so's I can get home and glue one more thing ... (oh, and speaking of glue, has anyone noticed how unique E6000 smells? Whew! But boy does it stick.)


Sara M said...

Oooh, nifty. Entrelac always looks cool, eh? Specially in Gryffindor colours :D

M.L. Shioda said...

hm.. i can't wait to see it all... mind if i steal this idea? for future swaps? or for myself! hehe.

xamonster said...

Steal away! I'm pretty proud of this project!