Friday, July 28

Weekend fling

I'm heading out this afternoon to visit the member of the Cribbage Crew that lives in the bulbous nose of Iowa. It's a housewarming party! I'm really excited. (And I get to drive on I-80 for about a million miles. How fun is that?)

I'm taking my camera, so here's hoping I remember to actually use it ...

Speaking of sock needles*, Brittany got back to me very quickly — in fact, I received the package on Tuesday (I think), and just forgot to mention it until now. They didn't just send one replacement, though — they sent three! It's almost a whole 'nother set. I was so excited. Maybe I'll just break the other one the rest of the way, sand it, and use it as a cable needle ...

By the by, if you're hoping to owe Davy Jones your soul (see yesterday's post), go play the POTC dice game at Disney. (It's pretty lame, but the graphics are kind of cool.)

* Maybe I'll have to check out some yard sales for cheap costume jewelry, eh Duck?

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