Tuesday, August 16

More of the same

Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation Nothing much to add right now. I'm fairly certain that the world suffers from Over Capitalization, but that's really no concern of mine. I've realized recently that I forgot to retrieve Eats, Shoots & Leaves from someone I loaned it to. That's no good, so I sent him a message through thefacebook. I hope he checks it. If not, I'll have Mr BoJangles steal it from him.

Mirror Mirror : A NovelSpeaking of books, I've succumbed to buying Mirror Mirror, against my better judgement. It took me a good hour to get up the urge to read it last night, and by the time I got there, I was too tired to read far. I've gotten past the beginning, which seemed odd and rocky at first. At this point, I'm doubting that it will turn out like Snow, Glass, Apples, but really, who knows?

Since the roommate thinks that I should get a job a little closer to Omaha -- and obviously I do too, if gas is going to be $2.45 a gallon! -- I decided to head back tonight. I don't think I should be here too late.

AND I got to show off my mad Photoshop-ing skills today. Fabulous.

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