Saturday, May 14

8 days ...

Last night we had a fabulous knitting extravaganza, during which we watched The Full Monty, which I had never seen and ended up enjoying immensely. Really, it consisted of about six people sitting on very large and very beige couches knitting while watching the movie. It was still good times, though. Jenna brought Hip Knits -- she was working on a really funk bag that was all stripey ... it's going to be great.

After the extravaganza, I got hijacked by the usual suspects, went to Evil Wal-Mart, and ended up drinking lots of vino over in Dustro's apartment. I exploded in a fit of giggles at one point, and didn't think I'd ever stop laughing. We decided that 'wine drunk' is the best drunk.

The senior dinner is tonight. B is coming back for it. I'm pumped. And hungry.

There are eight days left.

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