Wednesday, November 10


I have done so many things today.

(1) I have squirted myself in the face [including one of my eyes] with soy sauce while preparing my veggie sushi.
(2) I have learned that John Ashcroft has resigned from Bush's cabinet today, and that he believes that his "energies and talents should be directed toward other challenging horizons." Somehow, I can't help but be suspicious about where he will focus his attention next.
(3) I wrote a few words for NaNoWriMo, which is going very slowly anyway.
(4) I signed up to get a daily digest of news from the BBC [which is how I heard about Ashcroft], thanks to a suggestion from JH, who is currently one of my favorite people.
(5) I went to an orientation session for my study abroad trip, which included vehement warnings on traveler's diarrhea.
(6) I purchased a new knitting book because I liked the patterns and the pictures were brightly colored.

On second thought, I accomplished fewer things than I thought. But I am going on a field trip tomorrow, perhaps to watch turkeys get butchered. Huzzah.

And for clarification, a classics major includes both Greek and Latin, whereas, if you major in only one, that particular language is your focus. Also, I'm going to the monastery for Buddhism class. If you really want to come along, BS and I are planning on going very early on Friday morning. This excursion will possibly include DR and ES, if they can drag their asses out of bed.

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