Thursday, October 28

I am back.

Apologies to the two people who read this blog. I haven't updated in ages - I'm such a bad blogger. Also thanks to those who noticed the new threads [they're just some of the templates that Blogger has stashed away, so I don't know what the big deal is].

I realise that I haven't posted in so long that I neglected to mention that Michael Moore made a stop at Luther on his "Slacker Uprising Tour," and Roseanne Barr also stepped in for a few minutes. It was quite exciting - the least exciting bit was being in the Chips office for ages afterward, until nearly 4.15 that morning, in order to get the story on the front page. [I must interrupt myself for a moment to say that soprano sectionals must be one of the most horrible things to listen to on earth. Especially when notes requiring ledger lines happen to be frequent in the piece. Ah, back to the bit at hand.] It was a long night, but well worth it - the paper looks pretty good.

Now that I'm back from fall break, I come bearing new things - a new wool peacoat and a pair of snazzy orangey-brown pants, a copy of the BBC mini-series of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, and the news that my mother will be voting for Bush. As I've told a few of my friends, my mom has always told me that she cancels out my dad's vote. That will not be the case this year, to my frustration. I spent a good deal of time trying to convince her that having a president that can properly pronounce words like "nuclear" would be a good thing, but somehow I don't think I managed to convince her. [This was not my only selling point, but she disagreed with Kerry on some frustrating levels. I can't imagine how she could think Bush did his job well enough to merit a prolonged stay in the White House, but then again, I don't understand my mother most of the time.]

That will have to be enough for now. I have to go eat dinner with my favorite people.

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