Monday, September 27


Dear Shoe-breaker,

She knows you did not mean to break her shoe. She knows she gave you a lot of hell for it, and that it was not very nice of her. She suspects that it may have been the tequila talking. The tequila apologises for the misuse of her voice, and the lips apologise for letting the tequila's words escape. The hand apologises for hitting you with the broken shoe, and she doesn't
really care, since they were about $1.97 at Chez Wal-Mart. She is only sad because they were her first blue flip-flops ever and the most comfortable pair of shoes she owned. Please do not hold anything against her.

Sheepishly yours,
Ex Blue Flip-flop Owner's other personality

P.S. You're welcome to beg forgiveness by disposing of her roommate. Just a thought.

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