Tuesday, February 3

Twinkie faerie

I got visited by a mystical supernatural being in the wee hours of the morn today. When I lazily unwrapped myself from my warm bed and trudged to the bathroom, I found three little deposits of love: Twinkies. I visited her this morning to thank her for the gifts, and ended up watching ten minutes of The Avengers ... the part where Eddie Izzard is trying to kill them with metal bees. [I like my women like I like my coffee - covered in bees!]

And tomorrow is the first day of the spring semester. I only have one class tomorrow - Norwegian Folk Art. It's not even a hands-on art class, I think, because it's not in the new arts building. It's in the same building as my German, Greek and Latin classes [and French, but I'm not sure yet that I'm going to take it ... I'm trying to get into an anthro class]. Oh, wait ... Greek and Latin got shoved out of the way to the basement room of one of the dorms. Fabulous. An 8a jaunt to towers ... in WINTER.

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