Tuesday, January 27

Bisexual Monday and other treats

Yesterday, as you have reminded us, was Bisexual Monday. I, for a day, liked the cock, and you, for a day, liked the pussy. Yes, I know you hate that word. Precisely why I used it, dolphin.

Right. Lots has happened of late. I promise. I just haven't written about it because I've been off crafting with my new crafting biddy [for whom I designed some well-recieved blog-revampage]. Through the course of Deutschkurs, my biddy and I have become fast friends, and she has brought a welcome change to my dull life and brought me out of the doldrums. Biddy high five!

Yesterday we were stricken a pair of scarves in Dame T.'s room whilst viewing [and dancing to] RHPS. Lovely time, that. We returned there later to shoot the shit into the wee hours of the morning, and talked of many things. [Not shoes, nor ships, nor sealing wax, not cabbages nor kings.] We talked of the "gay agenda" [about which we decided we must've missed the meeting, as we've never really seen a copy of said agenda], and of our "root" [stemmed by watching But I'm a Cheerleader on the night previous]. More on my root later.

Also, as of yesterday, there is a fair amount of schnee on the ground. The new gays immediately wanted to go traying, whilst the old gays stayed home inside where it was warm. I thought it was snowing again earlier, actually, when I looked out my window, but it must've been snow blowing off the roof of the building and into the lovely Health Circus Courtyard.

And B and D and I have made the last trip ever to W-M, as the new Super W-M is opening tomorrow at 7.30a. I think we may have to raid it after our final Prüfung for the term.

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