Wednesday, May 14

Thresholds, and reaching them

There’s a point at which one cannot comprehend alliteration. Last night, I discovered the threshold was around approximately 11 p.m. There’s also a point at which sentences stop making sense, even when two other people are telling you they sound just fine. I think that was around 12:15 a.m. (I’m guessing here, as I didn’t look at the clock then.)

And then there’s the bit where you start to hallucinate. It turns out my hallucinatory threshold is 1 a.m., at least when I’m still at work. My coworker said last night, “My god, it’s almost one!” I looked at the computer clock and sure enough, it was 12:58. That was the point at which I realized I didn’t remember much of what had happened after 11. Two hours of my time just went, Ah, you’re copy editing. It will take you far longer than you think. (That’s why I guessed at the time above. I know it was about midway between the Point of No Alliteration and the Point of Hallucination.

Suffice it to say, I am a tired girl indeed. I believe I will spend my evening working on the shawl, now that I've gotten past the strange mistake from last week. Or maybe I'll just drink margaritas to oblivion.

Either way, it will be fun.

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