Monday, February 18

I've probably done this one once or twice before ...

In lieu of telling you how my weekend went, which I will probably do tomorrow or Wednesday, I'm going to do a meme. I caught it catching up on my feeds and saw it from Ugly Green Chair. I've seen various iterations of this meme, by the bye.

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open it to page 123.
3. Find the fourth* sentence / phrase.
4. Blog the next five sentences / phrases together with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig your shelves for that very special or intellectual book.
6. Pass it forward to six friends.

Although I'm at work, I happen to have Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced & Covered in Cat Hair in my bag. I purchased it yesterday after car retrieval. (Again, I'll talk about that later.)

Besides, it was funny. She was glaring at me like I was a drunken sot of a no-cooking, sorry-ass, baby mama. Me! A baby mama! I could not correct her.

Now I'm going to ignore the part about passing it on — you can do it if you like, or not. I'm not picky. (Well yes, I am picky, but not when it comes to such quirky trivialities as memes.)

Okay, just to whet your appetite, here's an actual photo of this weekend. It is of my cousins and I at a strip club remarkably close to where Dustro and I used to live.

Here I am with my cousins Noraa and Bug-a-boo at a strip club. We ought to hold more family reunions here ...

*This bit actually said to find the fifth sentence and blog the next four, but that's a little backwards, so I transposed them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My God. What have you come to now that I've moved away from home.

Oh, dear.