Monday, February 4

In memoriam

Bellatrix toe

When I read on Ravelry last week that sock designer Gigi Silva, known as MommaMonkey on Ravelry, passed away, I was stunned. I'd seen in passing, when looking up some of her beautiful sock patterns, that she was ill, but never in a million years did it occur to me that she was that sick.

Though I never new MommaMonkey personally, I know that she was such a loving, caring person. I decided the only thing to do was to finish my Bellatrix socks, one in a series of Harry Potter-themed patterns she released last July, as a sort of tribute.

Bellatrix socks
This pair's for you, MommaMonkey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how loving and caring do you think she is now that it's come out that she faked her own death and ripped off a LOT of people in the indie makeup community?