Friday, July 6

Now with massive linkage!

Aside from Ravelry, I've been watching a bunch of other fun sites. They're not the knitting kind of fun, but they're good, quality humor. I created a folder on my feed reader called "mental-tainment," which was the best description I could come up with yesterday. Here's what's in that folder ...

If you're not all distracted by my eight billion links by now, I'd like to tell you that I cast on for the second Eagle's Flight sock. Not that I finished the first, but I wanted to do them at roughly the same time. Unfortunately, I lost one of my sock-length US 2 dpns and only have four for the set. I remedied this by using those four plus one US 1 needle. I read somewhere (Knittyboard, maybe) that you can do that and it won't make that much of a difference in the long run. I'm thinking that 2.25 mm and 2.75 mm are close enough that it will even out. And it's a sock, so it doesn't so much matter. Anyway, I think I have about two inches of foot done on each, not including the toe. Good progress!

I thought, since I was doing so well, I might make a Minisweater / Boobholder, since they're not entirely unflattering despite my, er, fluff.

Oh, and I got through all of the goals on Super Mario World, which switched the theme to what can only be described as "Halloween world." I only have two levels now where I need to find the Yoshi coins, and it'll be officially done.


poetics said...

How did you come across the the "blog" of "unnecessary" quotation marks? One of my friends in the comm department at the University of GA runs it ;o)

xamonster said...

It was linked on Passive Aggressive Notes, and I needed some more amusement. What a small world!

poetics said...

That's great! Well if you se any from "jon", that's me ;o)

xamonster said...

I wondered if you were the one with "Window of Opportunity" ... :-D