Tuesday, September 19


Avast, me harties, yo ho! It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Make merry with a cup o' grog and a touch o' frippery, if ye dare. (Argh, I just spilled a bit o' bubbly grog on me sweater.)

So, ye salty sea dogs ... not sure how to talk like a pirate? Feast yer eyes on this educational training film on pirate speech (via Dave Barry). Ye best prepare t' laugh yerself t' Davy Jones' locker. Arrr!

Eh, and if ye saw last night's Wench Swap on ABC, here be some o' Mad Sally's reflexions. And I be thinkin to purchase some Piratitude fer my own self.

Yeh've been good mates thus far, so I've got a treasure for ye right here.

I also discovered a gem for the upcoming Festival. The alpacas will be as close to our booth as is possible! Eee! (I mean, arrr!)

To the winch, wench!

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