Friday, September 1


My theory of gas being down to 99¢ was wrong. It has settled at about $2.37 for the past couple of days — and here my dad was saying, "Oh, get gas today! It's going up to $2.45 later!" Boy who cried wolf, anyone? He's funny.

I got to visit a bed and breakfast today that just opened. It was very pleasant, and the family that runs it is very fun. Also, her mother is hilarious. She was telling me a small story about why she can't try on clothes at the store anymore — she breaks out! I think she referred to herself as one big rash. What a funny woman.

I've been getting down with my crochet self lately. I found a Celtic pentacle posted on Craftster, and decided to make one of my own. Photo is here. I'm rather pleased with it, since my crochet skills are pretty much rudimentary.

I got my yarn yesterday for the Magic Yarn Ball Swap. I'm going to wrap it tonight.

Here's a new picture of Demetrios ...

I am going to climb this mountain!

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