Tuesday, August 8

Gooooood morning!

I just got a call from Provo, Utah. The 'rents are doing well; I asked them why they were up so early, as it's just after 7 a.m. there, and they told me that they'd already been awake for an hour because it's fossil day. I think they were getting ready to head out, which makes sense, since U-DIG Fossils is about 90 miles from where they're staying. They're having a great time so far, and they've got tickets to (I think it's this one) Timpanogos Cave for Thursday, and they're going to a Mormon Tabernacle Choir rehearsal that evening. Sweet.

It sounds like this weekend is going to be devoted to the Iowa State Fair. I have a feeling we might be devoting some of our time on Saturday to the animal barns. The new homeowners from the Bulbous Nose of Iowa are coming to visit, and they're bringing part of their menagerie — Sophie the hedgehog and Sasha the beagle / dachsund. The roommates are coming along as well and, though I invited my brothers, they'd rather just stay home. (I don't blame them — we've drug them through the most boring exhibits, my mom and I.)

That's enough for now. I've got to get ready to go so that I can drop my tape recorder off at the City Supervisors meeting. I sat through a 90-minute City Council meeting last night, and supervisors take at least two hours. No way I'm going to do that. I've got pages to lay out, and a couple of stories to "write".

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