Tuesday, August 30

Altercations, teeth

So I was typing the sheriff's report ...

Pause. I know most terrible stories start out this way, but deal with it. Continue.

And I see the offense "Injury from altercation". I thought, Oh, that sounds normal. An altercation sounds a little like surgery. But then I wasn't sure. So I called upon my trusty friend dictionary.com and typed "altercation" into the search box. Moments later, it came up with this:

al·ter·ca·tion n. A vehement quarrel. [syn: affray, fracas]

Nonplussed, I couldn't imagine why someone was injured. Well, I supPOSE someone could get a little violently inclined. But really -- calling the sheriff?

Also, I read an article from the New York Times -- Rape charge follows marriage to a 14-year-old -- and I don't understand it. But I will not criticize love, even in the peculiar guise it takes this time around. [I mean, really. To put this in perspective, it would be like me marrying my youngest brother, a ninth grader. Except without the incest.]

But enough of that. I'm going to talk to Jacquieness for a little while and discuss wisdom teeth, because that's what you talk about when you haven't seen someone for three months.

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