Friday, February 4


I really need to get a move-on ... the photos from my J-term trip are still not posted anywhere [although I'm in the process of putting them on my H drive right this minute]. The one of the darling little puppy [above the links] was stolen from Jon's photos. I am the one holding the dog, though, so I think I'm allowed. I think.

Unfortunately, just now I made the mistake of turning the list of photos into a bunch of icons so that I could see the pictures a little more closely ... and in fact made the computer think way too hard. O Computer, I hate you for just a second.

They're having gyros in the caf tonight, so I will be critiquing their tzatziki eatling with Jon and pining for Greece. I'm excited.

Today is my first day of Languages in Time and Space [Linguistics for short.], as the prof was off presenting something on Wednesday. The text looks big and boring but will be fairly interesting, I think. I'm taking the class for fun anyway.

Off to eat lunch with Dustro. Yes, I'll actually be there this time. Scoundrel.

And I'm carrying my Turkish Delight around with me today, so if you find me ... you can have some. If you ask nicely.

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