Hold on to your hats.
Dear Fyberduck,
I wasn't sure how often you check your blog for comments, so I'm posting one regarding
this post, thinking you might check here before there. (Also, the previous commenter was really rude, so I don't know that you'd even
want to check that post again anyway.)
I heard somewhere that Night Crawler (well, Alan Cumming) decided not to be in the third movie, even if he were invited back. I think he said something about not liking the fact that his makeup took hours to put on.
Toward the end, when they're all visiting Leech (okay, visiting puts it lightly), and Jubilee (I think that was her) said, "The boy's in the blah blah blah part of the building," and my mom, who was sitting next to me, leaned over and said, "And the girls are comin' out of my bustie!" (Wow — is that really how that's spelled?)
And really, it is your blog, so you can be as self-centered as you want.
We watched
Dress to Kill yesterday.
Je suis le presedante de Burundi.I've had
Dorian on my mind a lot lately, mostly because it's sneaking right up on us. Everyone's favorite camp medic, who was helping the Queen of the Girls' Dorm with housing, called me the other day (while I was at a casino*) and asked if Beth and I would mind being roommates for camp. I didn't mind, as the room we'll be sharing is one of the gigantor ones (the east penthouse in Brandt, to the Luther-ites reading this). I didn't figure she'd care either. So now we get to be co-counselors again. I'm excited. We're such a powerhouse team. The kids must think we're nuts (like we're not!), but they love us.
So now I'm working up a list of things to buy / bring along. The lists begin like this:
To purchase
- shorts!
- running shoes (to replace the ones that are for Curves only)
- band-aids
- tylenol / aspirin / ibuprofen
- aloe for sunburns
- die cuts (for wall decs)
- batteries (camera, alarm)
- food
To bring
- alarm
- fan(s)
- bedding
- beach towels
- hand-knit washcloth(s ... I have to make another to make that plural)
- toiletries
- door dec supplies (Beth, I'm thinking an homage to squirrels might be in order)
- small knitting projects, probably socks
- fancy clothes
- music for counselor recital (?)
To knit
- water bottle holder
- matching washcloth
- messenger bag that isn't shaped weird
... but they trail off around here.
Obviously I have more lists to make, and more rooting around in my parents' basement to do.
*The roommates and I went to Terrible's Lakeside Casino on Saturday. I managed to lose money (it took a while, since I was playing on penny slots), but they both made money. In fact, they made enough to buy a small window air conditioner for the house. Ah, cool air! And I only managed to get my finger stuck in the window once.
I've been pondering a response to the Letter, and now that I think about it, I don't know that we'll be able to run it. We can't run a letter that we received last week, because it's endorsing a political candidate for the upcoming election (on my birthday). There wouldn't be time for a response to that letter, should any arise, to go in the paper prior to the election, so we can't print it. And we couldn't have swapped the Letter for any that ran last week, as those all pertained to today being Memorial Day, and Come see the parade! and all that. (I'll also make mention of it being a form letter, and I think the padre will be fine with not running it. But that's business for tomorrow.)
I have problems with eating breakfast. If I remember to eat it (which is rare), I'm usually ravenous a couple of hours later (as now, when I had to grab a bagel after having had a bowl of Kix at 9:15). Sometimes it even makes me feel a bit nauseated (I couldn't finish my bowl of Kix this morning, though I can probably chalk that up to both the weather and hating milk in general.) In fact, I usually feel better if I don't have breakfast, at least until I realize that it's 11:30 and I'm really much more tired than I should be. Is there no happy medium?
Also, for my birthday I would like an iBook (with the SuperDrive), a yarn swift and accompanying ball winder, a camera that focuses properly and whose flash doesn't misfire, or, barring any of those, someone to pay off my student loans. Aaaand go! (I'm only kidding. Don't buy me anything for my birthday. I have enough stuff as it is.)
Let's not forget that today is Memorial Day, and remember those who fought and died for this country. But don't forget those who have fought and lived. They are just as important.