Thank you for all the suggestions. I tried them out with the verysmallcat, and had the roommates read the narrowed-down list. I think I've finally settled on one. Well, two, I suppose.
The runners up
- Bellerophon — too violent.
- Grimalkin — a little too traditional. Perhaps if he weren't gray ... (Thanks, educand.)
- Gryphon/Gwiffen — tempting, but no.
- Merhaba — my mom voted for this one as well, but then went on to say that it sounds 'kind of like Mary Beth*', so no. (Thanks, HoJo.)
- Parakalo — it sounds commanding (even though it means 'please').
- Silvus — too dorky.
And the winner is ...
Demitrios Argentinos (pronounced with a hard G, as in sugar or gout, not as in Argentina). It has a rather lyrical and lilting quality, don't you think? Thanks, Fyberduck, for half of his name! I think I'll call him Demitrios for short, and Demitri for shorter.
I suppose I should have included Li'l Bit, as that's what Brie's been calling him. And Katie's been stuck on his name being Tori (after Tori Amos, because she has a cat named after Sarah McLachlan). But they weren't really in the running.
And someone, upon seeing my picture of said kitten on Flickr, posted him to The Kitten Channel. He's a superstar already! (Speaking of Flickr, has anyone else noticed how they've fancied up the place? It's very sleek and chic.)
I would just dye!
I've dyed my hair a dark-ish brown, thanks to Katie's leftover dye from last night. I think it's pretty suitable (for both of us). It's so nice to have short hair and be able to use others' dye leftovers. Speaking of which short hair, not dye — I need a bit of a trim.
When I checked my email earlier today, I found a message from
Dear Ms. Mittens,
Thank you so much for your donation. I am very excited for my students. I want to express my gratitude and thank you. This will help my students enormously with their learning process. I know my students will be very exited. Because summer vacation is nearly upon us, my students will be sending you feedback when we return in the fall.
Thank you very much.
So I clicked to the Butterflies in Bushwick page to see how far along they had gotten in donations. They're 100 percent funded! When I last saw the donor page, they were only at 32 percent. Someone must've been paying attention. Huzzah!
*Note: No offense meant to anyone named Mary Beth. It's a very nice name, just not for my verysmallcat.
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