I got a new kitten on Saturday! He's absolutely marvelous, spunky, and unnamed. I'm trying to think of something knitterly to name him, but I can't think of anything. Shadow's out, because I had a cat named Shadow once ... and she died. I need a really grand name, because he's such a small cat. Maybe something like Bertrand, Zaniel (
angel of Mondays?), Achlys (mist, darkness) ... or Gwiffen. Really, though, I need an idea. Leave some suggestions.

By the by, can I just tell you how glad I am that I took my camera home with me during lunch? So glad. You can see why in this picture — I got my surprise package from Fyberduck! Let's play identify items in this photo: unnamed kitty, three skeins (or is it hanks?) of alpaca roving, drop spindle, SNBN catwarming mouse, fiber of unknown content (it has a flax-ish, linen-ish, silk-ish texture ... or at least that's what I think), and two skeins of German sock yarn. You really have outdone yourself, Fyberduck. But now I have your address!
Mua ha ha ha ha! Expect something wonderfully clever and fun ... as soon as I think of it.
(Speaking of Fyberduck, you simply have to go visit her blog and watch the video in
this post, because it's the funniest thing ever.)
I worked on
Topi, and had the brim done and everything, and then I decided I hated the way it looked. So I cut the brim off, being too impatient to pick the bound off stitches apart, decided to felt those pieces sometime, and am going to finish it sans brim. Maybe I'll add one on later, Headline News style.
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