Despite being unable to trek to Decorah for the great RadThadd drunkfest, I was able to have some fun this weekend. I got to see The Da Vinci Code, for instance. It was pretty well done — quite similar to the book, which I appreciated. (Ian McKellen, I love you!) But before the movie, I managed to do a little jaywalking (and jayfrogging, unfortunately). Until the previews came on, that is. After all, half the point of going to a new movie is to see the new previews, right?
Well, there weren't any that rang my bell, per se, except a scary looking one called The Omen. It's all antichrist-y and stuff. Guess what day it comes out? 6-6-06. (They're so clever.) I, being a dolt, said in a rather loud whisper, "That's my birthday." The people around us laughed. Katie shushed me, and I said, "Well, it is." And when I asked her if she wanted to see it that day, she said that since she's Catholic it would be a little too scary. Voodoo magic or something, I suspect.
X-Men 3 is definitely on the itinerary for next weekend. Two Ian McKellen movies released in two weeks? How can we be so lucky? (Kelsey Grammer's in this one, too. And Jean Gray goes to the dark side? Fabulous!)
Sometime Monday evening
Earlier I forgot to mention that Katie borrowed more Karaoke Revolution games from her sister — numbers one through three. We played a few rounds on each. I think my most memorable song for the night was "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" (The Darkness). It made me think of Dustro. Brie rocked the verysmallhouse with a lovely rendition of "Friends in Low Places" (Garth Brooks), and Katie's "Killing Me Softly" (The Fugees) was spectacular spectacular.
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