Wednesday, February 20

Reunion show tonight, and more

I was going to combine the last post and this one, but then I realized it would have been nine miles long, so I'm instead posting them directly after one another. There are just a few things to say. It won't take long.*

  • Tonight is the reunion show on Project Runway. I'm very excited, mostly because Heidi is going to (all but) call Victorya a bitch. Secondly, the fan favorite will be announced. This will of course be Chris March, because he's fantastic and I voted for him.

  • I am still enjoying Drunk, Divorced & Covered in Cat Hair. You shouldn't be surprised, as I am generally two of those things most of the time. (Well, not that drunk, I suppose, but definitely not divorced, having never been married.)

  • I ran across these handy little things Monday called PocketMods. They are essentially a mini planner, made from a sheet of letter size paper. With one cut and a little clever folding, you end up with something akin to a paper Palm Pilot. There are many templates for pages, from lines to grids to music staffs to drawing boards, plus templates of conversion formulas, calendars, lists, and even sudoku and the dreaded dot game.

    I love mine so far. (I even used one this morning to outline this post and the previous one so's I wouldn't forget anything. And it worked well.) PocketMods use one side of one sheet of paper, which enables the recycling savvy folk to reuse paper that might have been otherwise tossed in the bin. I'm even thinking of sharing them with Dorians this summer. That's how funky they are.

  • Speaking of savvy, a friend came into the office yesterday to place an ad. He used the word "suave-y," which made me smile. I just can't decide whether he intentionally combined the words "savvy" and "suave," or whether he was pretending to be a redneck, or whether it was simply an accident. Not that it matters but I enjoyed the word, at any rate.

  • Oh, and speaking of yesterday, the Office Despot was really childish to me yesterday. I had gone into her office to give her a phone message. (I specifically told her not to worry, and to take care of it when she had time.) It was probably a little after 1 p.m.; the front office was empty and she was in her own little office finishing lunch. She had a stormy look on her face and took the note. I asked her what she had for lunch, because I was kind of hungry by that point and it smelled pretty good. Her petulant reply? Sticking her tongue out at me with half-chewed food still in her mouth. I mean really, what are we? Five years old?

    I just walked away and muttered, "Right..." while she complained that everyone had gone to lunch just when she had gotten hers. Halfway back to my desk by then, I called, "Yep. It happens." This is not the first food-induced cranky incident with the Office Despot, either. I suppose I shall just have to treat this 50-year-old woman as she acts: like a child.

    I only mentioned the incident to one other person in the office, because I think it's pretty tacky to tattle. But I thought you might enjoy it, dear readers.

  • That is all. Hope your Wednesday is happy!

    * Mua ha ha. It did take long, didn't it?

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