Wednesday, July 4

Woo! Ravelry!

I got a surprise when I checked my email this morning ... I got invited to Ravelry! I'm pretty excited, except for one thing: I don't have internets at my house, so cataloging stuff is going to be a bit difficult.

Also, I did a bad thing. I ordered some books on the Amazon yesterday. The whole Dark is Rising sequence. And not just because there's a movie coming out, I promise. It's just that lately I've been on a kick reading series from my days in young adult literature. I love burying my nose in familiar books. (Just ask me how many times I read The Hot Zone in high school ... though it's far from being a young adult read, it's probably one of my all-time favorites.) Anyway, I at least managed to save $12 on shipping and some other random bonus, so that's good.

*pause for long break*

I've just spent a lot of time adding stuff to Ravelry. I'll have to make a spreadsheet and print it out to catalogue what I have at home. Darn. Going through yarn.


Anonymous said...

I love ravelry! Welcome to the black hole that will suck up all free time. :)

xamonster said...

Somehow it's already managed to do so. :) I love it though, and it's already been quite useful!