Right now, my life is all Super Mario World, thanks to a Dorian we had during high school week. I saw her playing SMW on a Game Boy Advance (in a non-restricted area, of course) and was pretty much floored. So I went to Kmart this weekend and found a copy of my own for $20. I've been happily playing it since, off and on. (Although I'm stuck on the Special world "Tubular" ... those stupid football guys keep jumping at me and killing me!)
I got a new chair, a rocking recliner with a separate ottoman, yesterday at Pam & Ida's. It was on clearance for $40, which was such a good price that my mom got one as well. (She put it in sewing land in her basement and promptly napped in front of HGTV down there.) I'm still surprised that most of the furniture in my living room has come from Pam & Ida's. I usually think of it as more ghetto than Kmart ... which I was at on Saturday. (I actually managed to hit the Big Box Trifecta of Big K, Wally World and Chez Target all in the space of a week, so I really shouldn't be that surprised that most of furniture is from their younger sibling.)
I've been reading The Time Traveler's Wife, after finally picking it back up. (I'd gotten distracted by a load of other books and set it aside.) It's quite good, actually, and I'm reading a bit every night before I pass out. I'm also reading Chuck Palahniuk's Lullaby, which is about a reporter doing a story on SIDS and finding an African culling song along the way. It's strange, as his novels are (I've read Fight Club and Survivor, which I'd like to read again), but I quite like it.
I've been doing some knitting as well. (Gasp!) I'm about 2 inches past the brim on Chapeau Marnier; I'm in the endless stockinette portion. I have about 4 1/2 more inches, I think, before I can start the crown decreases.

Marnier, anyone?
I've also started a(nother) pair of socks. I'm using the lace from the Eagle's Flight pattern I found a while ago, except I'm knitting them toe up (and just doing the lace repeat backward). Thus far I'm past the toe and through one 6-row lace repeat. The yarn I'm using is a Regia yarn in "Spirit Color," which is sort of blues and greys. It's very Ravenclaw-y, and since the pattern is called Eagle's Flight, I figured that would be fitting. So far it looks quite nice.

Toe up! Toe up!
If I'm a very good knitter and don't get too distracted by Mario and Yoshi, I can probably finish them in a couple of weeks.
Your final thought for today: one scoop, please.

This kitten, for some strange reason, likes to nap in the poo scoop.
Yoshi lives!
I loved Time Travelers Wife! Great book.
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