Tuesday, April 17

It's Tuesday, and I've been trying to type this post for hours

Too bad you just get a measly two paragraphs.

I got mail today from the venerable Mrs. Magnificat for the alumni choir. I'm pretty excited. While I can't remember the name of either of the pieces right now, I know one was familiar. (I think it was from Dorian last year.)

And I found a fun pattern for a Wee Tiny Sock, which may come in handy.

That is all.

No, actually that is not all. I want to share this really rather scary picture of a "clock spider". If you're a big arachnophobe, I don't suggest clicking that link, lest you run screaming from the room to find a shoe to smash your computer with. Great. Now from clicking that link I'm going to have to keep looking to make sure a giant huntsman spider is not crawling on me. Yikes. Blast you, natural living, for having those links on a post about getting spiders the fuck away. (By the way, I've never been one to be afraid of spiders, but those give me the willies.)



dustin said...

I'll give you a willy.

Anonymous said...

Can I just say thank you for not actually posting a picture of the spider! Aack!
Those socks look adorable. Here's a link to tiny toe-ups, I'm doing a pair in mint green angora/lambswool for a friend's baby-on-the-way.

xamonster said...

Dustro, you had better not. I'll come over to the big O and rassle. And I'll win.

calico13, it freaked me out for quite a while. What I decided to do was leave the page open overnight on my browser (mostly to scare anybody who tried to use my computer). This morning, I came to work and it was still up, and you know, I wasn't that freaked out anymore.

And I showed my dad and he said, "Is that at YOUR house?" and told him hells no, as I would have slept in the car. I'm not that afraid, but I don't want to tempt the fates any more than I already do.

Anonymous said...

When I get home tonight I am going to slap you for posting such a scary spider but for now I am going to forward the pic onto Brie b/c it makes me giggle how scared of spiders she is.

Anonymous said...

Ho Hum. I just got home from shopping. I think it's ready to go in the mail now. Be looking sometime late next week.