Oh. My. Gourd. Today has been one of those days. I got to the door of my office just a little before 9 a.m. There was a post-it on the door and my first thought was, "Oh, great. They changed the locks." My key wouldn't turn. So, with 3 degrees on the bank clock and slightly damp hair, I was calling the number on the post-it and saying, "Hey, it's a bit chilly out here. Can someone come unlock the bloody door?" See, when the boss man changed the locks on the building this weekend, he neglected to tell anyone that actually
works in the building. (That would make too much sense.) He just told the people in the other building. Apparently, in the grand scheme of this whole business, I am chopped liver, despite my managerial label. Good to know where you stand, I guess.
I should have known at that point that the rest of the day would follow similar lines. However, my upstream SP — that's the one that spoils me — must've known today would be stupid and arranged for exact date delivery. She sent a very awesome package, which included chocolate. (That was the best part, as it helped to alleviate my feelings that for the most part today sucked big, fat donkey balls.) She also sent some two kinds of yarn: one was some of her handspun in lovely blue shades; the other orange, French, and "the softest in the LYS". I also discovered, wrapped in colorful tissue paper, some awesome booty that she got from an Etsy shop (bad blogger! didn't bring the link!) and a wooden (tapestry) needle case. I really, really enjoyed the package. Thanks, Monster Pal! I hope to provide photos tomorrow.
Here's an interesting sentence:
Eat and enjoy visiting with friends and neighbors. All in all, pretty plain, especially when broken down into two sentences:
Eat with friends and neighbors. Enjoy visiting with friends and neighbors. Unless you, like I, have had a crazy day and do not imply the first 'with':
Eat friends and neighbors. Enjoy visiting with friends and neighbors. That would be in line with Willie Wonka's remark on cannibalism:
Everything in this room is eatable. Even *I'm* eatable. But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.Yeah, I know. I feel crazier for having pointed that out.