I thought I'd post a little teaser photo for my Hogwarts swap partner. Here you can see some entrelac done in Gryffindor colors. While I was working this project, I realized how amazing entrelac looks. It appears as though it's strips of knitting woven together, which is not the case at all. It really inspires me to do a little more entrelac knitting. Perhaps I'll go with a variegated yarn next time, that colors the squares automatically. Or maybe I'll try Eunny's entrelac socks in the knew Interweave Knits. I love it love it love it.
On with work so's I can get home and glue one more thing ... (oh, and speaking of glue, has anyone noticed how unique E6000 smells? Whew! But boy does it stick.)
Oooh, nifty. Entrelac always looks cool, eh? Specially in Gryffindor colours :D
hm.. i can't wait to see it all... mind if i steal this idea? for future swaps? or for myself! hehe.
Steal away! I'm pretty proud of this project!
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