Let's see ... what else? I gave the ROUS a trim today, so now it doesn't look so much like a Bear Of Unusual Cuteness. It's still a bit fuzzy — textured, really — just not a ball of puff. Now I just have to figure out the teeth and find a needle small enough to go through the button eyes that I got — darning needles are just too big for a job like that. Wish I knew where I left my beading needle.
You should be here in Iowa now, Fyberduck. We've gotten some fantastic thunderstorms over the past week or so (and we desperately need the rain — our lake looks more like a mud hole). Of course, those come with the requisite tornadoes, but none here in our little ville yet, so we're still in one piece. But right now it's very windy and rainy. Nice way to spend a Sunday night, I think. Oh, and I liked the video, by the by.
As for the acrylics, I think I may end up making a Turkish string bag. Maybe I'll double some worsted on my US 15s so's I don't have to go buy another needle. Or maybe I'll just use the 15s and single strand it. Who knows? Maybe that would be a good project for my Earth Day / recycled stuff swap ... I could twist the acrylic with some plastic bag strips. I really need to get cracking on that swap. The send is just three days after the Princess Bride swap! (Why did I do that to myself?)
Oooh, and I saw this cute knitted rainbow dog collar in the April issue of MagKnits, and I may have to knit one up for Luka. He chewed through his collar the other day, and it's kind of difficult to take him outside without one. And I totally know B and KT would get a kick out of it.
Anyway, that's enough chattering from me tonight. I don't want the DST to kick my butt when I wake up, though I'm sure it will anyway.
Flamingo photo hijacked from here.
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