That's right, folks. It's time for you to see how much yarn I really have. View the stash ...
Exhibit A: Homespun. These eighteen skeins of Lion Brand Homespun were not purchased by myself. I inherited them from someone that moved from a house to a much smaller home. I don't think I'll ever use it, but my mom might.
Exhibit B: The rest of the stash that isn't Homespun. I put the full skeins all on our oft-ignored couch in the front room. I categorized the yarn into four separate categories: acrylic, fuzzy synthetic, plant fibers, and wool. The partial skeins were put elsewhere. They have their own categories, and can be seen in my Flash Your Stash photoset.
Exhibit C: Ackrylic. I don't know how I manage to amass such large amounts of acrylic. I have more of that than anything else, though most of it is in partial skeins right now. It kind of makes me crazy. And the thought of using all that Red Heart makes my hands dry up at once. Caron Simply Soft isn't so bad, though. I like knitting with that.
Exhibit D: Fuzzy Synthetics. I was sort of surprised how many skeins I had in this category. I knew about them, of course, but when they all group up on you like that, it's kind of scary. I feel like I could entertain a lot of small children with my fuzzy yarns. But the Turkish yarns are in there. They're going to become a funky scarf dedicated to the Gravy trip, per HoJo's suggestion.
Exhibit E: Plant Fibers. Okay, so I should have just called it Cotton Plus One Lonely Bamboo. I tried to make something with the bamboo yarn the other day, and it just made me really angry. (It split a lot and didn't want to behave.) Some of that cotton is destined to be baby booties, I think. Really cute ones. The Sugar N Cream (two skeins of green, white, and blue) will be washcloths to match the froggy bathroom at the new domicile. Something textured.
Exhibit F: Wool-Ease. Okay, so I forgot that I had subdivided the animal fiber section during the photoshoot. It's wool and acrylic, anyway. The Wool-Ease was mostly for Harry Potter-inspired hats. I made a small stuffed critter out of the grey, too. But really, I keep it around because it's worsted — the weight I most often use. It kind of just sits there and waits for me to come play with it. (But then I forget what colors I have and then buy more, only to come home to the same colors. C'est la vie.)
Exhibit F: Animal Fibers. This looks really measly. That's mostly because my wool is in partial skeins. Well, that and in the mail, as I mentioned yesterday. Eleven skeins of KP Wool of the Andes and six of KP Sock Garden will soon be joining the throng. Mmm ... wool.
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