I watched the finale of Project Runway. Though Chloe deserves congratulations, I was underwhelmed. By everyone's collections, actually.
Daniel V., why hast thou failed me? He seemed to have gotten a lot more cocky and awkward in the last few episodes — ever since he won the Flower Power episode (and that stupid immunity). Perhaps it was the editing, but in the first of the two finale episodes, he actually said, "Like, why isn't he piddling in his panties over excitement?" (Check out the proof from fourfour.) That's not the Daniel V. I know and love.
My brother hit the nail on the head earlier when he asked me who I wanted to win. I told him that my first choice had been Diana, who was ousted far too early, my second was Nick, who was kicked off a bit before the final three. I chose Daniel V. after Nick was auf-ed, thinking that while I didn't particularly like his orchid blouse, the interpretation was very interesting. MY brother asked me that since everyone else I've chosen has gotten the boot, why shouldn't he? I said, "Well, third time's a charm, isn't it?" Apparently not.
But I'm not too sad, because really my most favorite person on the show is someone who will always be a winner in my heart: Tim Gunn. Does he have a fan club yet?
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