Dear Tracie,
Thanks to your extensive movie collection here at the apartment, I managed to watch The Incredibles, Supersize Me, Kinsey,
and Shark Tale
all within two days. I also tried to watch The Notebook
last night, but I got distracted. Thanks.
Much love,
Crimson----With Dustro gone, I've been forced to entertain myself with naught but a pair of sticks (and a pile of Tracie's movies). I decided to make a couple of new projects from SnBN (
Stitch n Bitch Nation, for those not in the know) -- "Headline News", a cabled newsboy cap; and "Knit Your Own Rock Star", which is obviously just that. Of course, I didn't have quite the right yarn for the hat (or so I thought), so I headed off to a store on Dodge called Personal Threads.
My first experience there (maybe a year ago?) wasn't very pleasant, but yesterday's was much better -- the proprietor even complemented my hair! (Which I dyed. I think I failed to mention this earlier. It's a darker version of the last dye job, and it's called Chilled Plum.) After buying far too much yarn, it was back to the apartment to start the newsboy.
I worked on it while watching
Shark Tale and
To Wong Foo, which was on Bravo very late last night. I also managed to stay up until well after the prime numbers, falling asleep sometime around 4 a.m.
My phone woke me up at 10 this morning. It was my mom, telling me that both my brothers have gotten parts in
The King and I, this year's musical. One of them wasn't too pleased to have actually gotten a part, though. I think he may have auditioned just because all his friends were. (The same thing happened last year with a solo he got.)
And, being awake, I finished Headline News. I was initially intending for it to go to a friend, but now I'm kind of attached. And after all, I don't know that she likes red all that much ...
I haven't begun the rock star just yet, although I think I'll get started soon. Maybe after lunch and a shower.
I also finished "Panta", a headband-type thing that was from a pattern written in Portuguese. I found it on craftster, and luckily enough, someone translated it. I don't much care for the purple color I used, but that's fine. It didn't take too long to make.
More photos later.