Thursday, September 22

Knit list

My knitting list has gotten too long. Now that I've made two Bubbys (Boobies?) in a relatively small amount of time, I think I could probably make more and *gasp* sell them. Maybe at the famed Covered Bridge Festival.

But now, from going to the knitting forum, I've been finding lots of ways to keep busy in knitting land. I think I'll have something to do until, oh, mid-2006. The most recent additions to the Knit List are ...
  • Mr Dangly, a monkey.
  • Gwennabe Zim hat, which is styled a little after Gwen Stefani and Liz Zimmerman (patron saint of knitting).
  • I've also found a fun mitten pattern via the blue blog, which means that sometime soon crimson mittens will actually be true to her word.
  • There's another pattern that I'd like to try out at the blue blog, too. Check this bad boy out.
  • Socks are always on the list.

I also found a German knitting blog via someone else's blog. It's pretty sweet, even if I don't understand it all.

It's time to go make something of my life. Or, if all else fails, I'll just make something.

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