Monday, September 26

Happy birthday, Ashlee

Ashlee, it's your birthday! Happy birthday, Ashlee!

Since the dear old shoe diva is in Belgium at this time and a phone call would be a little bit on the expensive side and T-Bock's is a little far away for both of us, I'm putting her birthday present right here. So shoe diva, here is a list of things that happen to remind me of you, for one reason or another. I hope you enjoy them.

  1. "Numa numa yay ... like a slutty day."
  2. Velveeta shells and cheese + a hot pot = good times!
  3. "Christmas vacation! Christmas vacation!"
  4. Sex in the City
  5. A knitted womb will do wonders making you feel better.
  6. Hearing the first few measures of Wicked and getting chills.
  7. Nick & Tony's
  8. Gigantic baskets.
  9. "All I could see were heads and headlights!" (Oh, Darla.)
  10. Brandt 205's choreography to "It's Raining Men"
  11. Your 21st birthday bash ... where everyone else was under age and subsequently busted. (Of course, it didn't help that you lived over the hall manager's apartment ...)
  12. Slurp-smack Sarah.
  13. J-term sophomore year and our couch-turning tv habits.
  14. Hanging out with the verysmallRA in "time out".
  15. Old show choir videos.
  16. Fish (sorry, but they always make me think of you).
  17. "If it weren't for my horse ..."
  18. Turquoise luggage.
  19. Going to the hospital when you got your shot for your back that made you absolutely crazy for the rest of the night.
  20. "Shits, giggles, and vibrators - oh my!"
  21. La Rana, Spanish for The Rana.
  22. Shoes.
  23. Your mad bulletin board making skills.

I hope your birthday's way too much fun.

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