Tuesday, September 7

I've got an Idea!

Somehow I always try to capitalise the word "Idea" in the middle of a sentence. I caught myself doing it twice in an email just now.

It's taking a little more time than I anticipated to get used to my new roommate. I keep finding myself wishing that I lived alone, or in Baker, or in the campus apartments where most of my friends live. She's kind of driving me crazy. She acts like a small child for a good deal of the day, and seems to have a glue stick fetish. She has purchased a lot in the past couple of weeks - ten before she got here, and ten a week later because they were on sale for ten cents each. She told me yesterday, "It was like buying one and getting nine free!" Oh, and she takes naps all the time. Augh!

Other than that, I think I've settled into my schedule a little more firmly now, and I should be a lot less crazy. Except for the fact that Buddhism is going to be insane. I think our prof is a little neurotic.

And by the way, they're doing work in the library right now, and it is VERY LOUD. Who drills in the library during normal library-ing hours?

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