So my secret girlfriend was here yesterday. [A passing reference to sg can be found in my first post.] I have been living in her room all summer. Not with her, which would probably be too uncomfortable for me.
But the room B and I have been staying in all summer belongs to her for the coming school year, so of course she wanted to check out the digs yesterday, and to bring in some boxes. It was awkward as hell, because in January, I wrote her an email from a random address and told her basically that I have a crush on her. I didn't leave my name or use a recognisable email address, because I see her around a lot [at least when she's not in another country]. She's in my choir and my seminar, and she's been in my art classes ... everywhere. And when I see her, I get a little giddy and want to hide behind things like a little kid. [Incidentally, she never replied to that email.]
What a crazy world this is.
And today I'm moving back on campus. B's brother is moving in today, too. As a freshman. This is very weird, because I keep reflecting on my move-in day three years ago. Can it really be so long now? It's got to be at least ten times weirder for B, because it's her brother. She's a senior, he's a freshman. He's on his way in, and we're all on our way out. It's amazing how each of us has grown up. Or how much we haven't.
Here's to a new year, a new roommate whom I hardly know, new classes, a new advisor, new classics professors ... a fresh start.
Edit: And it's raining on move-in day. Hilarious. Of course, it always rains, unless it's blistering hot. It never fails.
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