Or, how I spent my weekend in eastern Iowa.The weekend started innocuously enough last Friday. Mistress Saucy Dish and I road-tripped to Small German Town to help celebrate the birth of a fence. Not long after we arrived, we all decided to have dinner. The venue of choice? A delightful Chinese restaurant. What was most delightful, however, was the fact that, when we walked in the door, the woman who greeted us asked if we minded that the television at the back of the room was on. The six of us didn't mind in the least, and she sat us right in back, across from it. And then the greatest surprise awaited us: the Olympic opening ceremonies! Yes, we watched them in a Chinese restaurant. How fabulous is that? Pretty fabulous.
The next day, we decided to go exploring in a nearby pioneer village. Our trip there ended with delectable ice cream and a tour through a shed of antique farm equipment. After our sojourn through historical Iowa, the women went grocery shopping while the men went back to start up the grill. While we were purchasing groceries, Aramad said, "Hey, let's have some guacamole! I'll call my hubby and see what ingredients he needs." And then we bought 12 avocados and a metric ton of tortilla chips.
When we arrived back at the newly-fenced house, we started grilling up birds, pigs and cows, peeling and chopping up the humongous pile of veggies, and making the hugest batch of guacamole ever. (Ah, a huge mixing bowl brimming with deliciously blended green goo. Mmmm.) And then we ate. Dinner involved so much food my stomach is straining at the mere recollection. To aid in digestion, we decided to watch a little
Firefly, then drink a lottle (which is the opposite of a little, Mistress Saucy Dish will have you know).
And then we broke out the cards. We played Circle of Death (or as Aramad kept calling it,
Kings, which is apparently what Wikipedia calls it, too). Eventually someone made up a rule that if a face card was drawn, everyone had to eat some guacamole. (Honestly, by that time it was very necessary. We managed to deplete the guac vat fairly well, though.) Around 11 or so, we all started feeling like we were going to have guacamole babies, so most of us had to just sit for a while and not move much. The girls ended up watching the Olympics a little, and the guys* went to the bar.
When everyone arose from the dead Sunday morning, we got all clean and presentable and headed for the traditional end-of-party feast: IHOP. Check out our sexy post-dinner photo below.

Oboekönigin and her brother, Me (sporting ginormous hair), HutFrau, Aramad and J-man, and Mistress Saucy Dish of the Excellent Long-Armed Photo Taking Skillz.And that was the weekend. In a nutshell. (A really big nutshell full of lots of guacamole.)
*Note: I should mention that when I'm referring to 'the guys' I actually mean Oboekönigin's brother, J-man and HutFrau. They're pretty much the guys of the group, really.