Also, I have now seen all three acts of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. In fact, I loved it so much I bought it on iTunes, despite the fact there will be a DVD coming out eventually. (A DVD with lots of extras! Hooray! I love DVD extras!) I mean, it was only $3.99 for the season pass. How's that for a bargain? I mean really, if you didn't catch Dr. Horrible while it was online, spend the $4 on iTunes. It's well worth it.
At any rate, I've turned all goofy fangirl over Dr. Horrible. Turns out Neil Patrick Harris is kind of fantastic, and he can sing. It's a far cry from Doogie Howser, that's for sure. I'm kind of smitten. Yay! I want some evil knitting project that goes with Dr. Horrible.
But what I really came to talk to you about today was my shoulders. Let me elaborate.
One of the worst things about summer in Iowa is July. (Another is August.) Last night, as I was walking home after usurping the rents' cable for a few hours, it was so disgustingly muggy outside that, had I wanted a glass of water, I wouldn't need the glass. Just open wide and take a deep, soggy breath. Disgusting!
So yesterday I put on a tank top because, you know, July in Iowa. As I was about to leave, I stopped in the bathroom for one more re-application of deodorant and I saw it: the dreaded farmer's tan. Sometimes when I'm hot and sweaty, I forget all those years of sunburns in t-shirts. Then my luminescent shoulders reflect back at me and say, "Girl, walk out the house now if you wanna be a hick like that."
And I retort, "Shut your face, shoulders. You're not the boss of me. I'm a big girl now — I can make these decisions myself, you know. Besides, wouldn't you like a chance at being the same color as your forearm friends?"
"Whatever, girl. You're the one controlling the hands, not us. And besides, we are the same color as the forearms. The underside.
Bitches. I put on my skull hoodie and walked out the door into the sun. *sigh* At least it's lightweight cotton. Bloody shoulders — Horrible shoulders, really. Maybe I should just invest in a lab coat, gloves and some goggles. Mua ha ha ha ha!
1 comment:
Congratulations! Your Laminaria is *beautiful*. At least the judges recognized that. Just fav'd it on ravelry.
Tanning sucks. I have the Irish Idiot's tan - burnt shoulders and white everything else (wish I was joking).
Oooh, you could wear you Laminaria during summer and no one would see your shoulders...
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