I've already put it on my keyring!
Isn't it adorable? I love quick little swaps like this. Thanks, Brooke! You rock!
Let me tell you that sometimes, when I wake up, my lips are huge. They look like collagen-induced nightmares. Today they're big enough that I can barely put my bottom lip over my top lip. It feels really funny. (I don't know why I shared that, but happy Random Tidbit About Xa Day!)

You know what they say about people with big lips ...
Also, I will say that sometime the gamer dork in me comes out to say hello, and I dive into a video game I haven't played in ages. Most recently it was Super Mario World, but now I've been sucked into Zelda. Lemme 'splain.
On Friday I was suddenly struck by the need to play the (rescued from my brothers) N64 that's been hiding in the bottom of my entertainment center for ages. I dug out the console, the cables, and all the games I have (some of which, like Madden and Star Wars Rogue Squadron, I'll never play). And then I saw it: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. And I dove in with my character named Izzard. (I'm covered in bees! Help!)
I've already beaten two of the dungeons; one without any help whatsoever. I'm pretty proud of having beaten the ice palace without cheating. It only took me two tries — the second without any fairies. The only reason I had to go it again was that I was running out of time. Most Zelda games don't really have time limits, except in mini-games. Majora's Mask is an exception: your character has three days to save Clock Town from the giant moon that's going to crash into the city.
Luckily, your character gets to play a song on his ocarina that allows him to manipulate time — you can jump forward half a day, slow time down so it's double-speed, or save and start again on the first day. (The only problem with that last one is if you don't save your rupees in the bank, they all disappear. So do arrows, bombs, magic beans, and other funky stuff like that. But that's all easy enough to recover.)
That said, I'm ready to tackle the third dungeon, which is on the ocean. And maybe hit a few spider houses once I get the hookshot from the pirate.
Okay, that's plenty of geekery for a Monday.
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