I'm sending the above necklace to a friend on the eastern side of the state. I think she'll appreciate it.
I've been working on knitting up the homespun from BAS, which you cannot tell from the photo below. I thought that, since my giant headphones were right there next to the ball, begging to be put on, they ought to get their wish.
The Lughnasadh Anticraft is up, by the by, for those of you that follow it. I really like the Skull Lariat. I've never owned a lariat, and I don't have any skull beads at the moment, but I certainly have a lot of other random beads that could coordinate. I think I may have to get my bead on. The End of Days Kit, for zombie survival, is definitely hilarious, though I don't know that I'm particularly prone to zombie attacks here in south central Iowa. (I may be eating my words later for having said this.)
Off to see Hairspray tonight with the fiends. But first, I think I'll go home and devour a little cheese.

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