Tuesday, July 31

Thou shalt not use a giant knife.

I am dumb.

I went home for lunch today and thought, "Oh, a fried egg sandwich might be nice. Especially one with some cheddar cheese chunks." And so I took the cheese out of the fridge and saw that it was, shall we say, less than perfect.

No problem! Lots of good cheese left! Opens drawer, taking out whichever knife is on top. "Now I'll just cut this way, and maybe a little more here and — swoosh — um, why am I suddenly bleeding?"

That's right. I cut my thumb while cutting the cheese. Two lessons here. Lesson 1: Don't try to save the cheese. Just throw it out. Lesson 2: If slicing cheese, do not use the biggest knife you own.

Four stitches, $15, and a whole lot of that weird stretchy tape stuff, and I'm back at work.

This will definitely cut into my knitting time. Pun not intended.

Oh, and I finished the crochet border on Spiralen this morning on the way to work. Before injuring myself. So that's good, at least. I hope to block it tonight, depending on how late I'm at work.

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