See, I've had my Crocs so long that the tread has worn out. In fact, I'm fairly certain they have some non-friction properties by now. So non-friction that sometimes I slide a little when the ground is dry. This being the case, it doesn't terribly surprise me that I nearly ended up baring my backside to
Also I think I hurt one of my knuckles, though I can't fathom how. Must've smacked my hand on the metal railing. But you know, I think that, had I buns o' steel instead of buns o' flesh, it probably would have hurt more. So here's to my buns o' flesh! (I really can't believe I just said that, but I'm so not deleting it.)
Smack that . . .
Smack that . . .
ouchouchouch! New crocs might be in order? And maybe the skirt needs to be Exorcised?
oh, and - tag, you're it!
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