Crimson's blog was probably the first blog I started reading outside my circle of friends. We're both members of that very small group, knitting Classicists. While she doesn't update as much as she used to (;_;), I still find her witty and thought-provoking. She also has a terrible habit of dragging me into swaps.
Thank you so much, Fyberduck. You rock my face off. We knitting Classicists have to stick together, after all. I love reading your blog, whether it's about knitting, spinning, or how crazy your family is (because we all know all families are crazy). Even if I don't comment, I read all of your posts. Thanks for sharing the love!
I did actually try to post on Tuesday night after I left work. The landlord, after two no-shows, has finally gotten to work on the leakage problem in the bathroom. However, Tuesday evening I got a call from the (ex-)roommates, who had planned to stay in town Tuesday night to spend some time with the dog, after the LL had called in some people to help him haul out the cast-iron bathtub. They told me that they had overheard him talking to his heavy-lifters, and how it seemed to them that he was just going to slap in one of those cheap plastic tubs and some vinyl wall on top of the old stuff and call it done. They told me that there was a hole in the subfloor, which the tub had (obviously) been sitting on. And they also told me that they decided not to stay the night, after feeling a bit nauseated throughout the evening, which was potentially caused by the LL kicking up all that mold with the demolition he was doing*. They encouraged me to stay at my parents' house.
I went home to let the dog out, medicate Demetrios, who has a nasal infection and is getting twice daily doses of amoxicillin, and have a look at the damage. Imagine my surprise when I go in the bathroom to see this hole and find that, while it's not by any means a large hole, it's right where the drain in the tub had been, and there was a mushroom growing on a pipe there. A MUSHroom. (Not the good morel kind, either.)
My first instinct was to take pictures of all the nasty mold damage we'd been living with unsuspectingly for months upon months. (Because, as I may or may not have mentioned, we first asked the LL to fix the shower last September or October. He finally came to look at the problem three or four weeks ago, and just got started on the work this week. Oh, and he and his family are going south for the summer. At the beginning of June, just before I leave for Dorian.) And so I took five pictures, one highlighting, though rather blurily, the aforementioned mushroom.
I had definitely decided to not sleep with all that nastiness hanging about, and so gathered up some sleeping gear and hoofed it to my parents' house, where I showed my mom the pictures. Despite the fact that it was about 10:45 by then, she was still awake reading, so I didn't feel too bad bothering her. She thought I should probably contact the city and show them the pictures, and perhaps share my suspicion that he wasn't going to adequately take care of the problem.
This brings us to yesterday, when I stopped at the drug store to make prints from my camera before heading to City Hall to meet with one of the city administrators. He stopped by the house sometime after that and visited with the LL. (I wasn't there, as it was Wednesday and Wednesdays are notoriously crazy at work.)
I got home at probably 4:45, just as the LL was leaving. He wasn't too pleased that I'd been to City Hall, but I gave him my reasoning, and we talked in a moderately hostile manner for about five minutes. He finally went home, and I did a bit of house cleaning.
Today I'm feeling much better about the situation, though I'm doubtful that the job will be finished before he heads off for vacation. So that's what I've been dealing with this past week.
Now, to tackle the oddly large pile of papers on my desk before I can go out to dinner with BAS at Spaghetti Works tonight. Also, it's my brother's final high school choir concert tonight. I'm not sure how that makes me feel. He's all growed up — he even took his AP Calc test yesterday. I didn't even know he was in AP Calc. Have I mentioned he's going to college for chemical engineering? I love my family.
*The LL was doing the demolition without a mask or gloves. He's not a young guy, and he's actually having a pacemaker put in next week. < sarcasm > A fine time to be doing heavy remodeling, I think. < /sarcasm >
Are there any other, less nasty abodes there in W-set?
Not to be stealing your thunder but I also had a similar situation happen to me... mold wise, mine was the bathroom sink & the bathroom ceiling i think. I don't remember the bathroom ceiling as vividly since i chose not to look up, but it's hardpressed to not look at the bathroom sink since it's within eye view.
There had also been leaking problems with the faucet, and sink, but somehow i thought i was causing it, u know, you wash the face, water over flows to the sides that sort of stuff, but one day i came home and the sink smelled!!! It wasn't until i investigated where the smell was coming from, i realised it was underneath the sink, and the whole thing was wet and moldy.
the apartment people came & knocked down the moldy part, and left everything in that construction zone for months. I stopped counting at how many months it was... finally i came home and one day it was all brand new.
hope your landlord wises up & fixes it in a timely matter.
You're welcome! And thank you very much ^_^
Can I just say EEWW?! (I already did a bunch of times...) On the pipe?? Blech. I think your Mum was right - taking it to the City is the best idea. And does the LL have a wife? Maybe she can talk some sense into him! Really. Hard labor at this point in his life can't be the cleverest.
dustro: Not in my price range that would let me keep my catses.
itscute: Wow. I really hope my bathroom isn't demo'd for months on end, but they're going to the south for three or four months coming up right quick. He'd better finish it now.
fyberduck: He does indeed have a wife, who is rather younger, but she's not terribly smart. Also, she (a bus driver) recently got in a bit of a slugging match with one of the cooks at the middle school (they despise each other, so I'm not that surprised). Nice temper, that. The LL is coming back this morning, so that's fine.
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