Earlier today Kas said something about an "awesome Stardust movie." I did a mental double-take. Not that I hadn't heard about Neil Gaiman's novel becoming a movie, but that it somehow caught Kas' attention before I got around to mentioning it. It kind of made me laugh. Anyhow, the trailer's linked above, and you should see it. You should also read the book, if you haven't. It's one of my favorites of Neil's work. I can't wait to see the movie version.
Today was a pretty nice day, despite the thunderstorms around the area. I'd intended to Flash my Stash, but the threat of rain prevented that. (I want to shoot the photos outside for good lighting.) I'm planning on using my inflatable mattress as a backdrop (meaning I'll pile all the yarns on top). Maybe it will be bright and sunny tomorrow, with less wind.
I learned just now that the giant shrub in front of our porch is a forsythia. (Thank you, ISU Extension news release.) It has bright yellow blooms now (which I photographed, but I can't find my camera cord at the moment) and for probably another week, maybe longer. The interesting thing about the forsythia is that the blooms come only from old growth. The other day, I got out the gardening shears and we trimmed a bit off the top (it was growing a mohawk). The branches we trimmed seem to have put out flowers, despite their current lack of a food source. Very strange. (Either that or it had already started flowering. My memory might be failing me here.)
Also, the lilies that we transplanted last year have come up again, despite their early demise last fall. Hopefully we'll get some nice flowers. I scattered a bit of wildflower seed on the west side of the house, just north of my bedroom window. Perhaps we'll get some flowers from that as well. I've got a few other plants starting in peat pots right now, planted maybe a week ago — I've already seen a few tiny shoots.
I wish I could have an indoor window box or something, but the cats would eat anything that grew, I just know it.
Also, so I don't misplace this link later, HP chapter art. Now back to Mean Girls. ("But if you do touch each other, you will get chlamydia, and die.")
Saturday, March 31
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whew *sigh*, I was worried about y'all! I saw on CNN that there was a mass Tornado warning across Iowa and neighboring states...
I watched Mean Girls yesterday too!!!
("Boo, you whore!")
It was mostly tornado watches around us. There were warnings a few counties northwest of us, but that system moved farther north. It was just really windy, like a storm was trying to blow in. It didn't, though. More rain this week, I expect. :D
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