"Woka woka woka!"*
Okay, not biting me, but certainly a lot of people I know: the marriage bug. In the last couple of days, I've heard that three of my friends have gotten engaged, and another has already tied the knot. (What's crazier is that I've officially met or have known all of their significant others.) So congratulations, friends! Good news!
The trip to O!town was great fun. I don't really need to say much more.
And, of course, everyone's favorite curiosity this time of year: resolutions. As I was driving home yesterday, I thought for a while about what resolutions I could make for this new year, aught-seven. Well, I thought about it until I tuned the radio to NPR, which was broadcasting a reading of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie books. Cherry Jones was the narrator.
After enjoying Cherry's voice for a good half hour, I turned back to my pondering and came up with a few things.
- Be more conscious. Of self, of others, of surroundings. This one feels the most important , and is all-encompassing.
- Learn something new. Every day, if possible.
- Learn a few new knitting tricks.
- Embark on The First Sweater.
- Knit a lot of socks, namely via the Lime & Violet Sock Marathon 2007. I have a surprisingly large sock yarn stash.
That wraps it up for now. Thus far I've been doing a good job of typing and writing 07 everywhere, but we'll see how that pans out. I'm off to get some work done, and to order some new checks.
* A random incident from high school involving Sister Berthe and our friend, Paulux.
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