Thursday, January 25

Fold your shirts!

Folding a t-shirt, a la Japanese Martha Stewart.

Last night we watched The Devil Wears Prada and, though we can hardly forget Anne Hathaway's performance in Brokeback — who wouldn't forget? All of a sudden her boobies were the star of the show! — I really enjoyed the Prada. I would still like to read the book, my usual requirement for books-turned-movie. Kas, who hasn't posted in her blog in forever, didn't think it made much of a difference when it came to Children of Men, though. Who knows? All's I know is that we're going to catch Pan's Labyrinth tomorrow, and perhaps stop at B-A-B for a little groundhog action.

But really, what you came here to see was knitting. Well, I have no pictures. (Bad blogger! No cookie!) But I do have news: I'm through the sixth repeat of the second Swallowtail chart. I feel like I'm absolutely flying through it, and I think I'll have to stop at a yarn shop this weekend and pick up some circs, because the straights I'm working with aren't going to hold out much longer. I think 16-inches will probably work just fine for the duration. I hope I can find some bamboo ones ... I'm not quite brave enough for metal needles and lace yet. Though I am using sock yarn ...

Okay, back to fixing the labels!


Anonymous said...

For your enjoyment I will post in my blog the differences between children of men the movie to the book

Sara M said...

I hate you so much right now, we're all dying to see Pan's Labyrinth out here is Hicksville! *weeps*

xamonster said...

Well, we do have to go to the capital of the state to be able to see it. It's not in our podunk town yet, of course. But it's worth a 70-mile round trip.