Tuesday, January 16


Today has been rather frustrating.

My sock drawer had an argument with me this morning as I was getting dressed scavenging for layers. I said, "Give me the tallest, warmest socks you've got, and make it snappy!" It replied, "No! You will wear shortie socks today. You kept stuffing me full of no-show socks, so that's all you're going to get!" I pleaded, "Surely you wouldn't dare." It just stood there looking smug. I'm lucky to have gotten to wear any socks, the way that monster was behaving.

I got to take this route to work this morning due to the fact that black Jeeps don't seem to function at -2 degrees. It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. Sure, there was plenty of cold, but I wore lots of layers today (despite the damn dresser). By the first diagonal line in that map (the Fareway parking lot), I was wishing I had worsted weight thigh high socks. Yes, thigh high. I'd even take knee-high kilt hose, but those have long been in the frog pond. Brr.

We have a new PC to go with our new mailing program. I cannot coax it to connect to our printer. Not no way, not no how. I decided to leave it alone and finally take a lunch break. Lunch, though, turned the beat around, so to speak. I found a package at my door, looking for all the world like it contained some sort of umbrella swift. It was a package from Fyberduck! She sent me some great booty from the far reaches of Oregon — a needle roll made with snazzy POTC-inspired fabric, three sets of bamboo needles (yummy), jolly roger stitch markers, and some very fun jolly rogered glue-on fingernails. Thanks for the sweet pick-me-up! I'll post pictures tomorrow, if the new computer doesn't make me want to poke my eyes out I have a chance.

Now, back to the paper. Blogging for a moment has released some tension.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Black Jeeps battery doesn't like the cold thus not starting its going to get a new one hopefully soon. But we are going to try and jump it tonight and hope that cheers it up a bit. o_O